Snappy Valley
A process-led community photography collective formed in October 2019 in Todmorden, a West Yorkshire town in the North of England. The aim of the group was to engage the local community in a photography project with a view to develop participants’ individual creative practice as well as create a socially engaged and collaborative body of work.
Today Snappy Valley is a peer-led community collective that continues to engage in a creative photography practice. Snappy Valley has created a significant body of work, particularly during lockdown, forming a document of a particular time and place.
Snappy Valley: Process and Collaboration
A blogpost for Redeye Photography Network about setting up a community-building practice and how Snappy Valley has progressed and changed during the pandemic.
The work from our most recent project, Group Therapy, was exhibited at the Open Eye Gallery in Liverpool as part of Collective Matters exhibition. You can visit the VR show here.
Creative Snappy
Excitingly, Snappy Valley was shortlisted for the Creative Lives Awards 2021. Creative Lives is a charity which celebrates community and volunteer-led creative activity and works to improve opportunities for everyone to be creative.
Snappy Valley reflecting on lockdown
Since March 2020 we have made a large body of work capturing our personal lockdown experiences. This video brings our work together reflecting on disorientating collective uncertainty.
Images by Snappy Valley
Jerome Mahon Patrick Pearce Lāsma Poiša Dominic Reid Daniel Reis Nerissa Roberts Scarlett Martindale Hannah Murgatroyd Mark Williamson
Music by our own Mark Williamson
Photography and Socially Engaged Art Education
Read about the planning process and the initial engagement strategies for Snappy Valley; participatory pedagogy and socially engaged art education; lockdown and transitioning to online engagement; wellbeing and the therapeutic impact of photography.
Snappy on Redeye
A blogpost on Redeye Photography Network about our Snappy pre-pandemic days.
An early interview with Snappy Valley participants determining whether there is a need for a community photography group, who the group is for and why they chose to take part.
Snappy Instagram